Dragonbound Valentine’s Day Love Story Contest
01-29-2014, 07:59 PM
Mensaje: #25
RE: Dragonbound Valentine’s Day Love Story Contest
t[/align]ify]LAS VERDADES DEL AMOR [/align]Nunca me había enamorado de nadie...el amor no me importaba, creía que solo era una excusa para pasar el tiempo, a mis dieciséis años no había tenido ninguna relación, en cierto modo, tampoco buscaba relaciones serias, siempre jugaba dragonbound en ves de salir con mis amigos,ese juego era muy entretenido. Pero cuando conocí al que iba a ser el amor de mi vida, todo cambió. Estaba en casa cuando de repente el teléfono sonó, era él......aquel chico que me gustaba pero nada especial. Por lo que sabía de Marcos, estaba colado por mi, pero yo no estaba segura de lo que sentía y no quería precipitarme. Descolgué el teléfono siempre que me llamaba era para ver si quería quedar con él, por lo cual sabía cual iba a ser su propuesta, cualquier excusa para quedar conmigo a solas, pero en esa ocasión me equivoqué: - Marta,-dijo exaltado. Esta noche hago una fiesta en mi casa, van a ir todos mis amigos y me gustaría que tú y tus amigas vinierais para que la fiesta tenga mejor ambiente, ¿qué me dices?. Me quedé un poco desconcertada, siempre había querido quedar conmigo a solas y ahora me invitaba a una fiesta con mis amigas. A mi no me hacía mucha gracia, la verdad, pero había tenido toda una semana de exámenes y una fiesta no me vendría mal. -Está bien, hablare con Cristina y Andrea haber que me dicen pero no creo que se niegen, tal y como tienen las hormonas al saber que están tus amigos iran corriendo. -¡Jajajaja!- exclamó. Entonces a las 10 os espero a las tres en mi casa.Hasta luego. En ese momento un escalofrio recorría todo mi cuerpo...como si mi vida fuera a cambiar radicalmente a partir de esa noche. Estube toda la tarde con Cristina y Andrea preparandonos para aquella noche, nos provemos alrededor de veinte modelitos cada una, no nos decidiamos...queriamos estar radiantes, luego estubimos arreglandonos el pelo y maquillandonos. -Odio tener que decirtelo Marta pero estas estupenda, creo que esta es tu noche con Marcos así que no pierdas la oportunidad porque nosotras no la vamos a perder con esos chicos que estarán en la fiesta -dijo Andrea, como siempre pensando solo en ella y en los chicos que la iban a rodear esa noche. -Anda, no exageres Andrea, pero respecto a Marcos, sabes que no estoy segura de lo que siento por él, mas bien diria que no siento nada, pero no lo se -dije, riendome pero con mucha sinceridad en mis palabras. Esa misma noche, al entrar a la fiesta habían alrededor de diez chicos y tres chicas formando un grupito, la verdad es que cuando entramos todas las miradas iban dirigidas hacia nosotras, incluso cara de rabia de las chicas al vernos. -¡Mira que tres más pijitas nos han tocado hoy de rivalidad! pero lo vamos a tener muy facil, aquí hay mucho bomboncito y uno va a ser para mí, ese de allí será para mi. -Se referia a un chico moreno, alto, musculoso y con una mirada profunda, pero a Cristina le gustaban todos, asi que no habría problema. Estubimos toda la noche bailando, aunque Andrea y Cristina ya tenian pareja y estaban empezando a beber demasiado. Yo empezaba a aburrirme, no me encontraba muy bien y no me gustaba para nada el comportamiento de ellas. Se acercó Marcos con un amigo suyo, muy guapo. - Luis, esta es la chica de la que te hablé, ¿verdad que es guapisima?. -Si, tenías razón, ¡que ojos tan bonitos! -hizo que subiera de temperatura, noté como se me ponian las orejas rojas de la vergüenza. En ese momento Marcos se fue porque había quedado con otro amigo para ir a recogerlo, Luis se sentó a mi lado y creí que me iba a morir...sentí algo raro. -No le hagas mucho caso a lo que dice Marcos...siempre se cree que todo lo tiene en su poder, según él esta noche se iba a acostar contigo, por eso te ha invitado...pero veo que tu no eres como tus amigas así que no creas mucho en lo que te diga , solo busca lo que busca. En ese momento no supe que pensar, no sabía si era mentira lo que me decía aquel desconocido o si verdaderamente Marcos solo se queria acostar conmigo. Casualmente Marcos mandó un mensaje a mi movil, pero se equivocó porque se lo queria mandar a algún amigo suyo y en ese mensaje ponia: - Chaval, la tengo en el bote! ahora mismo estoy comprando preservativos...ire de chico sensible y Zas! me la tiraré, hoy es el dia...¡todo lo que estaba buscando va a pasar esta noche!. Se me encogió el corazón, en algún momento pensé que él era diferente a todos...que Marcos buscaba una relación de verdad, que era sensible...pero me equivoqué. Salí de ese local corriendo, llorando, pero vi que Luis me seguía me dijo que me parara y me limpió las lagrimas. -Preciosa, no te mereces llorar por un capullo, no me gusta ver a las chicas, lo más preciado de este mundo, llorando y menos a una princesa con estos ojos tan bonitos. -Luis como para no llorar...creía que era diferente...me hablaba con muchisimo respeto, pero veo que ese respeto solo lo hacia para acostarse conmigo. ¡Vaya mierda de tios, no valen nada, todos buscan lo mismo!. -Estaba muy cabreada, pero las palabras de Luis consiguieron relajarme...parecia diferente. -Mira no digas eso, no todos somos iguales, yo respeto mucho a las chicas, y por supuesto que no busco acostarme con ellas. Venga, Princesa, no llores más por él. Por cierto, si te molesta que te diga cosas bonitas dimelo, lo que pasa que yo trato así a las chicas aunque no las conozca. ¿Cómo me iba a molestar? por dios...estaba sintiendo algo, ¡me parecia un chico genial! me parecia el mejor, no hablaba con las palabras bastas con las que todos solian hablar. Esa noche estubimos hablando, sus palabras me enamoraban, pero tenia miedo...miedo a que fuera como los demás, a que buscara lo mismo que todo. Mientras dormía recibí un sms de Luis, en ese instante fue cuando una llama en mi corazón se prendió: -Marta, estas horas han sido las mejor de mi vida, eres una chica muy madura para tu edad y me gustaría volver a verte. Le respondí rapidamente, quedamos para el dia siguiente, y al otro, y al otro...cada día que pasaba sentia algo más fuerte por él, me enamoraron sus palabras y sentía que por una vez en la vida había encontrado el amor y no era nada comparado a como yo me lo imaginaba. Un mes después de habernos conocido, estabamos con Cristina, Andrea y dos amigos de Luis, me llevó a un rincón y me dió una cajita, cuando la abrí, era un colgante de un corazón en el que ponia su nombre y detrás ponia: -ME HE ENAMORADO DE TI. Cuando me giré, no lo pude evitar, le besé y le dije que yo también estaba enamorada de él. Cuando volvimos donde estaban todos, que habían visto aquel beso, empezaron a aplaudir, y de nuevo, sentí como me ardian las orejas. Los diez meses siguientes fueron los mejores de mi vida, estabamos super bien, cada día me enamoraba más. Tenía muchos detalles conmigo,conocí a su familia que me aceptó desde el primer momento, no era nada celoso, contaba conmigo para todo, nunca discutiamos...¡eramos la pareja perfecta!. Llegó el verano y se tubo que ir, esos dos meses se hicieron interminables para mi, hechaba de menos sus besos, sus caricias, esas noches en el que me hizo suya. Todos los días me llamaba a todas horas, aveces llorando porque me hechaba de menos. Faltaba una semana para que volvieramos a vernos, pero no se por que razón dejó de llamarme, pasaban los dias y me ponía más nerviosa. No dejaba de pensar en que se había olvidado de mí, que había conocido a otra chica. Cuando empezó el instituto pense que estaría allí, que me daria alguna explicación y que todo volveria a ser como antes, me daba igual que hubiera estado con otra chica,le queria tanto que le perdonaría cualquier cosa. Estaba viviendo un infierno, cuando llegó en el recreo lo busqué, allí estaba su ausencia. Esa misma tarde le llamé y no me cogió el teléfono, pero hablé con su hermana: -Está todabia de viaje, se ha tenido que retrasar la vuelta, pero estará aquí en un mes. El tiempo pasó y él no volvia, su movil siempre estaba apagado. Llegaron las navidades y preguntaba a sus amigos pero me dijeron que pronto volvería, parecia que todos me ocultaban algo, y temí que fuera lo peor, que me hubiera olvidado y que ahora estaria dando sus besos a otra chica, ¿pero si es así porqué había sido tan cobarde de nisiquiera darme una explicación?. Me enteré de que estaba aquí pero aunque intentaba buscarle nunca le veía, pasaba por su casa, iba a aquellos lugares que en un pasado habían significado algo para los dos...pero no le encontraba. Sabía que algo le había pasado, que aunque me hubiera dejado nuestra amistad no se podia perder por eso, habiamos sentido tanto amor el uno por el otro que me parecía una pesadilla no verle, no tocarle. Me tiraba todas las noches viendo nuestras fotos, ¡en las que las sonrisas eran tan sinceras!, aunque habían pasado tantos meses le amaba igual que el primer día y lloraba al pensar que para él solo había sido un juguete. El 1 de enero le llamé a casa para felicitarle el año nuevo, me cojió el teléfono su madre, su voz era rara, algo entrecortada. No se como pero fui a parar a la puerta de su casa, levanté la cabeza y ahí estaba él, ¡Dios mio lo que sentí!. Al verme se asustó, en la cara se le veía terror, ¿no decían que todabía no había vuelto de viaje? tal vez acababa de llegar...Salió a la calle y me saludó, ¡le vi tan diferente!... -Hola Marta, pasa, perdón por mis pintas lo que pasa esque traigo un costipado tremendo y no puedo salir a la calle, me pondría peor. -No te preocupes, solo necesito algunas explicaciones de porque has desaparecido todo este tiempo, sin nisiquiera recibir una llamada tuya. -Necesito decirte algo...algo que cambiará nuestra vida para siempre.-Esas palabras me dejaron más nerviosas...¡no quería perderlo!. -Mira Marta, este amor ha sido bonito, pero he conocido a otra chica, otra chica que me roba el sueño, y aunque tu fuiste mi primer amor esto ha acabado, lo siento pero todo en la vida tiene principio y fin, realmente nunca te he querido, solo quería pasar el tiempo y olvidarme de las relaciones largas, por eso fingí que me importabas. Sus palabras me dejaron muy desconcertada,aunque fueron muy sinceras, recordé cuando lo conocí, las palabras que me dijo cuando me enteré de lo de Marcos:-yo respeto mucho a las chicas, y por supuesto que no busco acostarme con ellas. Él me había engañado al igual que Marcos. En ese momento mi madre llamó y me dijo que volviera a casa, notó mi voz rara y sabía que algo había pasado. Noté como las lágrimas caían sobre mis mejillas y salí corriendo de su casa, no podía ser que el amor que supuestamente sentía por mí hubiera acabado. Al siguiente día era domingo, y como todos los domingos me fui a jugar al tenis con Andrea. Allí estaban todos sus amigos, hablando entre ellos y mirandome, sabía que Luis les había contado todo y que seguramente se estarían riendo de lo ingenua que fui, uno de ellos se acercó y me dijo: -Él está muy mal...-No supe que pensar, no sabía a que se refería. En ese momento llegó su hermana, me dijo que traía una carta de tu parte, la abrí y mientras leía empapaba el papel con mis lágrimas: -"Se que te habrás hecho muchisimas preguntas todo este tiempo...se que estarás enfadada conmigo, pero no he querido explicarte nada hasta el final. Lo he hecho por ti, creeme, se que era mejor para los dos, pero en mayor parte para ti. Cuando viniste a verme te dije que estaba con otra , que lo nuestro y había quedado en el olvido, te mentí mi niña, te he querido desde el primer día, desde que te conocí. Te preguntarás porque un día fuiste mia y te dejé escapar, ¿verdad?. No se muy bien como decirte esto, solo se que 1 semana antes de venir de vacaciones, cuando dejé de llamarte me diagnosticaron una enfermedad, me dijeron que habían pocas posibilidades de que me curase y lo primero que me vino a la cabeza fuy tu imagen, tus ojos que me enamoraron en el momento que te vi, aquellos labios que soñaba cada noche...Pensé que no podia decirtelo, que solo te haria sufrir y se me ocurrió que lo mejor para que no sufrieras era que me distanciara de ti, que no nos vieramos...se que por mi parte esto no ha funcionado, te he visto todos los días pasar por delante de mi casa, he ido al recreo sin que me vieras...tú, mi niña, eres lo que me ha hecho manterme vivo estos meses. Cuando leas esta carta, será que estoy perdiendo mi batalla contra el maldito cancer que me ha alejado de tu lado. Quiero pedirte que me recuerdos tal y como era antes de todo esto, que tengas el recuerdo de aquellas tardes juntos, de aquellas llamadas interminables, de aquellas miradas y de aquellos besos que me dabas. Se que esto es muy dificil para ti, pero para mi lo es más porque aunque te he escondido mi enfermedad se que te hice sufrir con mis palabras. Te pido porfavor que no vengas a verme al hospital, no quiero que tengas este recuerdo de mí...Me da pensa irme de este mundo sin un último beso tuyo, pero nunca olvidaré cada uno de esos besos que te robé, que me diste...Se feliz mi niña, no vivas de algo que no terminó, no te olvides nunca de mí, se feliz aunque sea con otro , se que encontrarás a alguien que te cuidé ocmo yo lo hice...pero princesa, nunca permites que te haga daño...y piensa que siempre te estaré cuidando donde quiera que esté...TE QUIERO!!!". Terminé de leer la carta y me eché a llorar, fui al hospital y vi a tu madre, me abracé fuerte a ella y lloramos las dos desesperadamente, se que lo estaba pasando mal al igual que yo. Llegó el médico y dijo que solo podia pasar una persona diez minutos. Su madre me dijo que pasara yo, se lo agradecí y corrí hacia su habitación, cuando entré estaba consciente y preguntó: -¿Mamá?, ¿eres tú?. Yo no contesté, me acerqué, le di un beso en los labios y le susurré: -No quería que te fueras de aquí sin el último beso. Abrió los ojos, sonrió, me apretó las manos y me dijo: -Espero que me perdones algún día, siempre te querré, siempre te cuidaré desde donde esté y sobre todo se feliz. Su mano se soltó y supe que se había ido para siempre, pero se que siempre estará conmigo: -TE QUIERO, estes donde estes y nunca seré feliz con nadie como lo fui contigo. ID: masteradriancer INGLISH: THE TRUTHS OF THE LOVE I had never fallen in love with anybody ... the love was not mattering for myself, believed that alone it was an excuse to happen the time, at my sixteen years it had not had any relation, in certain way, neither it was looking for serious relations, always it was playing dragonbound in you see of going out with my friends, this game was very entertaining. But when I knew the one that was going to be the love of my life, everything changed. It was in house when suddenly the telephone sounded, he was ...... that boy that I liked but not specially at all. For what it knew of Frames, it was strained for my, but I was not sure of what I was feeling and did not want to rush. I unhooked the telephone providing that I was calling it was to see if it wanted to stay with him, for which there knew which was going to be his offer, any excuse to stay with me to alone, but in this occasion be wrong - Martha, - he said exalted. This night I do a holiday in my house, all my friends are going to go and I would like that you and your friends were coming in order that the holiday has better environment, what do you say to me?. I remained a bit disconcerted, always it had wanted to stay with me to alone and now he was inviting me to a holiday with my friends. It was not making to my myself great grace, the truth, but it had had the whole week of examinations and a holiday me would not come badly. - it is well, he will speak with Cristina and Andrea to be that they say to me but I do not believe that niegen, as they have the hormones on having known that your friends are iran running. - Jajajaja! - it exclaimed. Then at 10 a.m. I wait for you at three o'clock in my house. Bye-bye. In this moment a shiver was crossing all my body ... as if my life was to changing radically from this night. Estube the whole evening with Cristina and Andrea preparing ourselves for that night, us provemos about twenty modelitos each one, not us decidiamos ... queriamos to be radiant, then estubimos fixing the hair up and making up. - I hate to have that it is said to you By Martha but these marvellous, I believe that this one is your night with Frames so you do not lose the opportunity because we are not going to lose it with these boys who will be in the holiday - Andrea said, since always thinking only about her and about the boys that they were going to surround it this night. - it walks, do not exaggerate Andrea, but with regard to Frames, you know that I am not sure of what I feel for him, rather diria that I do not sit anything, but not - charm, laughing but with many sincerity in my words. On the same night, on having entered to the holiday there had about ten boys and three girls forming a grupito, the truth is that when we enter all the looks they were directed to us, even face of anger of the girls on having met. - Gun-sight that three we have touched more pijitas today of rivalry! But we are going to have it very easy, here there is many bomboncito and one is going to be for me, this of there it will be for my. - there is re-traded a brown, high, muscular boy and with a deep look, but Cristina liked all, this way that there would no be problem. Estubimos the whole night dancing, though Andrea and Cristina already tenian pair and they were starting drinking too much. I was starting getting bored, was not very well and I me was not pleasing for anything the behavior them. One brought frames over with his, very handsome friend. - Luis, this one is the girl about whom I spoke to you, truth that is guapisima?. - if, you had reason, that so nice eyes! - it did that it was rising of temperature, I noticed like me ponian the red ears of the shame. In this moment Frames it went away because it had could only with another friend to be going to gather it, Luis sat down to my side and I believed that I was going away to dying ... I felt something rare. - do not notice him very much to what says Frames ... always it is believed that everything has it in his power, according to him this night it was going to go to bed with you, because of it he has invited you ... but I see that your you are not like your friends so you do not believe very much what he says to you, only it looks what searches. In this moment I did not know that to think, it did not know if it was a lie what that stranger was saying to myself or if really Frames only queria to put to bed with me. By chance Frames it ordered a message to my mobile, but he was wrong because queria to send some his friend and in this message ponia: - Lad, I have it in the boat! Just now I am buying condoms ... ire of sensitive boy and Zas! I will throw her to myself, today it is the day ... everything what was searching is going to happen this night!. The heart was shrunk, about some moment I thought that he was different from all ... that Frames was looking for a relation indeed, that was sensitive ... but I was wrong. I went out of this place running, crying, but I saw that Luis was following me he said to me that I should stop and it me cleaned the tears. - precious, you do not deserve to weep for yourself for a cocoon, I do not like to see the girls, the more boasted of this world, crying and less to a princess with these so nice eyes. - Luis as not to cry ... he believed that it was different ... one was speaking with muchisimo respect, but I see that this alone respect it towards to go to bed with me. Shit of uncles goes, they do not cost anything, they all look for the same thing!. - it was very infuriated, but Luis' words managed to relax me ... parecia different. - gun-sight do not say it, not we all are equal, I respect very much the girls, and certainly that I do not seek to go to bed with them. Come, Princess, do not cry any more for him. Certainly, if you cannot stand that he says nice things to you me say, which happens that I treat this way the girls though I do not know them. How was I going away to being a nuisance? For god ... he was feeling something, me parecia a brilliant boy! Me parecia the best, was not speaking with the coarse words with which all solian to speak. This night estubimos speaking, his words were inspiring love in me, but tape-worm fear ... fear of which it was like the others, to that was looking for the same thing that everything. While he was sleeping I received Luis' sms, in this instant it was when a flame on my heart caught fire: - Martha, these hours have been them better of my life, you are a very mature girl for your age and you would like to return to see. I answered him rapidly, other one still has us for the following day, and, and to other one ... every day that was happening sentia slightly more loudly for him, his words inspired love in me and he was feeling that for once in the life he had found the love and was not compared at all to since me he me was imagining it. One month after having known ourselves, estabamos with Cristina, Andrea and two friends of Luis, it took me to a corner and gave to me a cajita, when I opened her, it was a hanger of a heart in which ponia his name and behind ponia: - I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU. When I turned myself, I could not avoid it, kissed him and said to him that I also was inspired love of him. When we turned where they were all, who had seen that kiss, they started applauding, and again, I felt like me ardian the ears. Ten following months were the best of my life, estabamos super good, every day was inspiring love in me more. It had many details with me, I knew to his family that he me accepted from the first moment, it was not not jealous at all, was never relying on me for everything, discutiamos ... eramos the perfect pair!. The summer came and pipe that to go, these two months made to themselves endless for my, hechaba of less his kisses, his caresses, these nights in that it made me his. Every day were calling me at all hours, aveces crying because me hechaba of less. One week was absent in order that volvieramos to meeting, but not by which reason stopped calling me, the days were happening and was making me more nervous. It was not stopping thinking in that there had forgotten me, that had known another girl. When the institute began pense that would be there, that me daria some explanation and that every volveria to being like before, was all the same to myself that it had been with another girl, him queria so much that would excuse any thing to him. A hell was living, when it came in the playtime I looked for it, there his absence was. On the same evening I called him and it did not take the telephone, but I spoke with his sister: - it is still of trip, the return has had to be late, but it will be here in one month. The time happened and he not volvia, his mobile always was subdued. The navidades came and he was asking his friends but they said to me that prompt it would turn, parecia that they all me were concealing something, and I was afraid that it was the worse thing, which I had forgotten and which now estaria giving his kisses to another girl, but if it is porqué like that had he been so a coward of nisiquiera to give me an explanation?. I found out that it was here but though it was never trying to look for him it saw him, was happening for his house, was going to those places that in a past had meant something for the two ... but he was not finding him. It knew that something had happened to him, that though it had left our friendship me not podia to lose because of it, habiamos felt so much love one for other one that it seemed to myself a nightmare not to see him, he not to touch it. I was throwing myself every night seeing our photos, in which the smiles were so sincere!, though they had happened so many months it loved him like the first day and it was crying on having thought that for alone him it had been a toy. On January 1 I called him to house to congratulate him the new year, me cojió the telephone his mother, his voice was rare, slightly hesitating. Not as but I went to stop at the edge of his house, raised the head and there he was, God mio what I felt!. On having met it scared, in the face one saw terror, were not they saying that todabía had not returned of trip? Maybe it had just come... It went out to the street and greeted me, I saw him so different! ... - hello Martha, it happens, pardon for my looks what happens esque I bring a tremendous costipado and cannot go out to the street, I would become worse. - do not worry, only I need some explanations because you have disappeared all this time, without nisiquiera to receive your call. - I need to say to you a little ... something that will change our life for siempre.-these words they made me more nervous ... it did not want to lose it!. - it looks At Martha, this love has been nice, but I have known another girl, another girl who steals the dream from me, and though your you were my first love this has finished, I sit it but everything in the life has beginning and end, really I have never loved you, only it wanted to happen the time and to forget the long relations, because of it I shammed that you were mattering for me. His words made me very disconcerted, though they were very sincere, I remembered when I knew it, the words that he said to me when I found out of it of Marcos: - I respect very much the girls, and certainly that I do not seek to go to bed with them. He had cheated me as Frames. In this moment my mother called and said to me that it should come back home, noticed my rare voice and it knew that something had happened. I noticed as the tears they were falling down on my cheeks and I went out running of his house, It could not be that the love that supposedly he was feeling for me had finished. To the following day it was a Sunday, and as every Sunday I me went to playing to the tennis with Andrea. There all his friends were, speaking between them and looking, it knew that Luis had told them everything and that surely they would be laughing of it ingenuous that I was, one of them approached and said to me: - he is very bad ...-No I knew that to think, it did not know to that it was referring. In this moment his sister came, said to me that it was bringing a letter of your part, I opened her and while he was reading it was steeping the paper with my tears: - " that you habrás fact muchisimas ask all this time ... that you will be angered by me, but I have not wanted to explain anything to you until the end. I have done it for you, believe me that was better for the two, but in most for you. When you came to see me I said to you that it was with other one, that ours and it had stayed in the oblivion, I you lied my girl, I have loved you from the first day, since I knew you. You will wonder because one day you were mia and I left you to escape, truth?. Not very well like to say this to you, only that 1 week before coming from vacations, when I stopped being calling you they diagnosed a disease, they said to me that there were few possibilities that I was recovering and the first thing that me came to the head fuy your image, your eyes that inspired love in me in the moment that I saw you, those lips that it was dreaming every night... I thought that not podia to say it to you, that alone haria to suffer and happened to me that the better thing in order that you were not suffering was that I was drifting apart from you, that not us vieramos ... that for my part this has not worked, I have seen you every day to happen ahead from my house, have gone to the playtime without you saw me ... you, my girl, are what has done me manterme alive these months. When you read this letter, it will be that I am losing my battle against the damned cancer that has removed me from your side. I want to ask you that me recollections as it was before all that, that you have the recollection of those evenings united, of those endless calls, of those looks and of those kisses that you were giving me. That this is very difficult for you, but for my it is more because though I have hidden my disease that I made to you suffer with my words. I ask you porfavor not to come to see me to the hospital, do not want that you have this recollection of me... It gives Me pensa to go away of this world without last your kiss, but I will never forget each of these kisses that I stole from you, that gave me... Happy my girl, do not live of anything that did not end, never forget me, happy though it is with other one, that you will find someone that I took care of you ocmo I did it ... but princess, you never allow that it should damage to you ... and he thinks that always I will be taking care of you where it wants that it is... I LOVE YOU!!! ". I stopped reading the letter and began to weep, went to the hospital and saw your mother, embraced each other to loudly her and we weep for the two desperate, that it was spending evil as I. The doctor came and said that alone podia a person happened ten minutes. His mother said to me that I should happen, I was grateful to him and traversed it towards his room, when I entered it was conscious and he asked: - mom?, are you you?. I did not answer, approached, gave to him a kiss in the lips and I him whispered: - it did not want that you went away of here without the last kiss. It opened the eyes, smiled, he me pressed the hands and said to me: - I hope that you excuse me some day, always I will love you, always I will take care of you from where it is and especially happy. His hand came untied and I knew that it had gone away forever, but that always will be with me: - I LOVE You, estes where estes and I will never be happy with anybody since it I was with you. ID:masteradriancer |
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