= Privacy Policy DragonBound Forums is an online forums website. It uses Facebook or Twitter for login. We do not control the login process on these 3rd party services, nor do we have any record of your passwords. What data are we Processing? - Preffered Language, timezone, IP address. - When using Facebook for login, we will get from Facebook your public profile information and email when available and approved. - When using Twitter for loing, we will get from Twitter your public profile information. - We do not save or use your Facebook/Twitter photo. - Any other information that you choose to add manually by yourself to your user profile. How are we Processing it? - All information is saved in our own secure database to allow the following purposes. - We do not pass this or any personal information to any 3rd party and for any purpose. - We do not send spam or advertisments. The purposes for which we are Processing it? - We use this information to authenticate app users and provide them with a personalized in-app experience. - To create your account on our website, and prefill some fields for you for easier user experience. - To allow you to relogin to your account again when you come back to the website at a later time or at another computer. - To let end users log into the website with the email address associated with their Facebook profile. - To allow you to subscribe for alerts by email if they explicitly wish to do so. - We use language and timezone to pre-select the language and timezone of the displayed website for you. You may change them in settings. - To allow you to use our Forums website. Data deletion? - You can delete or edit your data simply by editing your user profile and deleting or changing any personal information that you wish to remove. - You can request data deletion by sending an email to admin@zotata.com We use technologies like cookies to keep you logged in. We do not use or collect your precise geographic location. You are not required to give us any personal information at all for using our service. We take reasonable steps to secure your personally identifiable information against unauthorized access or disclosure. We encrypt transmission of data on pages. Server's disk is encrypted too. To operate the service, we also may make identifiable and anonymous information available to third parties in these limited circumstances: (1) with your express consent, (2) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, (3) when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to protect our rights or property, or (4) to any successor or purchaser in a merger, acquisition, liquidation, dissolution or sale of assets. Your consent will not be required for disclosure in these cases, but we will attempt to notify you, to the extent permitted by law to do so. Our privacy policy may change from time to time.