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2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - Versión para impresión

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RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - ~ MiL Amores ~ - 01-14-2014 12:08 AM

In time the dragonbound is an improvement, worse each time little by little people are withdrawing from this game. I hope that SOLVED THE PROBLEM OF THE GP's, NO LONGER EARNS THE SAME AMOUNT OF GP AS BEFORE -.-

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - ~ GOTAY ~ - 01-14-2014 06:27 PM

[Imagen: 1462867_10202621496929133_1626353147_n.jpg]

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - joel cacher - 01-15-2014 08:02 AM

ESPAÑOL Smile [/b]Juego botón transformista
se trata de un nuevo concepto para hacerlo más equitativo para todos a los jugadores a sus habitaciones.
Los jugadores que haga clic en el botón Play rápida se unirá a una habitación disponible al azar en lugar de unirse a la primera habitación disponible.
Alimentación usuario habitaciones (rojo) tienen doble x 2 posibilidades de los jugadores.

Por ejemplo: si estamos allí 3 potencia usuarios habitaciones y 4 habitaciones normales (en "Espera" del estado), entonces cada habitación normal tendrá oportunidad de 10% y cada sala de usuario energía tendrán 20% de probabilidades de tener jugadores que hace clic en el botón Play rápida.

Antes del cambio:
habitación: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
usuario avanzado: No Sí No Sí No Sí No
rápida oportunidad de unirse a: 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

después del cambio:
habitación: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
usuario avanzado: No Sí No Sí No Sí No
rápida oportunidad de unirse a: 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% = 10% Total 100%

esto significa que los números de habitaciones baja ya no me importa. Si se crea una nueva sala tiene la misma oportunidad de conseguir jugadores a unirse a tu habitación como sala 1.Esto también significa que si usas jugar rápido para unirse a una sala no siempre llegas a un cuarto pros y que eres un$ $ pateado por un seguro de perder
. Tienes las mismas posibilidades de llegar a cualquier habitación.
Si quieres más jugadores a unirse a tu habitación - usuario obtener poder.
Por supuesto puede todavía utilizar la lista de la sala para seleccionar qué habitación te quieres unir, y la lista todavía muestra las habitaciones de baja potencia numerado los usuarios primero como antes.

Estamos probando este cambio para ver cómo funciona.
Háganos saber lo que piensas en ello (contestando a este post en este foro).

2. GM regalo notificación en el juego. GMs pueden enviar regalos en el juego. El servidor mostrará un mensaje para todos en la sala que fue enviado un regalo, de quién a quién. Los jugadores que reciben un regalo en juego verá una notificación y el regalo aparecerá inmediatamente en su inventario (no necesita F5 ya)

3. Algunas otras características nuevas de gestión para GMs. (no intentes engañar, GMs fácilmente pueden atraparte y prohibir te!)

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - T h i a g o ~ - 01-18-2014 03:47 PM

muy bueno (Y) Big Grin

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - E M E R S O N - 01-18-2014 05:30 PM

I have read all and I agree with you , it is a good idea! you will help lots of user to pass a level , but I think you and GM's Staff should be more active users to make more events , new tournaments and things like that and in that way you will get more users , who knows? maybe the same amount of user you used to have in 2012!!

yours sincerely,

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - Andersirtho Mix Fern - 01-18-2014 08:10 PM

1. Quick Play button change
We are trying a new concept to make it more equal to everyone to get players to their rooms.
Players who click the Quick Play button will be joined to a random available room instead of joining the first available room.
Power user rooms (red rooms) have double x2 chance of getting players.

For example: if we there are 3 power users rooms and 4 normal rooms (in "Waiting" state), then each normal room will have 10% chance and each power user room will have 20% chance of getting players who clicked the Quick Play button.

Before the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

After the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% = Total 100%

This means low room numbers doesn't matter anymore. If you create a new room you have the same chance of getting players to join your room like room 1.
This also means that if you use Quick Play to join a room you not always get to a pros room and get your a$$ kicked for a sure lose. You have the same chance of getting to any other room.
If you want more players to join your room - get power user.
Of course you can still use the room list to select which room you want to join, and the list is still showing the low numbered power users rooms first like before.

We are testing this change to see how it works.
Let us know what you think about it (by replying to this post on this forum).

2. GM Gift notification in-game. GMs can now send gifts in-game. The server will show a message to everyone in the room that a gift was sent, from who to who. Players who receive a gift in game will see a notification and the gift will immediately appear in his inventory (no need to F5 anymore)

3. Some other new management features for GMs. (Don't try to cheat, GMs can easily catch you and ban you!)

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - ~M a g o~ - 01-18-2014 09:51 PM


RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - Bill Rizer - 01-19-2014 02:02 AM

2 and 3 perfect, I like. But point 1 Confused before.. if anyone had a low or VIP room, his/her team can play a lot of time with less waiting. Now, if there are a lot of Power Users, the wait time will be longer it means not a lot of matches, no GPs and no a lot of fun Confused
I think DB will better for all if there is 1 reset each week or 15 days and decrease the amount of servers (maybe 12 servers will be ok) delete sv10 and 11. Server 8 will be open and free, but when there is a Tournament, this server will change... look at the best time at day (4pm - 7pm Peru Time) sv7 and 8 aren't full (and sometimes sv4 neither); a few of people play in sv1, sv10 and sv11... really a few :/
That's my opinion.. I don't want change the rules (ranks limit) n.n
Bill Rizer

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - Andersirtho Mix Fern - 01-19-2014 07:29 PM

We are trying a new concept to make it more equal to everyone to get players to their rooms.
Players who click the Quick Play button will be joined to a random available room instead of joining the first available room.
Power user rooms (red rooms) have double x2 chance of getting players.

For example: if we there are 3 power users rooms and 4 normal rooms (in "Waiting" state), then each normal room will have 10% chance and each power user room will have 20% chance of getting players who clicked the Quick Play button.

Before the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

After the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% = Total 100%

This means low room numbers doesn't matter anymore. If you create a new room you have the same chance of getting players to join your room like room 1.
This also means that if you use Quick Play to join a room you not always get to a pros room and get your a$$ kicked for a sure lose. You have the same chance of getting to any other room.
If you want more players to join your room - get power user.
Of course you can still use the room list to select which room you want to join, and the list is still showing the low numbered power users rooms first like before.

We are testing this change to see how it works.
Let us know what you think about it (by replying to this post on this forum).

2. GM Gift notification in-game. GMs can now send gifts in-game. The server will show a message to everyone in the room that a gift was sent, from who to who. Players who receive a gift in game will see a notification and the gift will immediately appear in his inventory (no need to F5 anymore)We are trying a new concept to make it more equal to everyone to get players to their rooms.
Players who click the Quick Play button will be joined to a random available room instead of joining the first available room.
Power user rooms (red rooms) have double x2 chance of getting players.

For example: if we there are 3 power users rooms and 4 normal rooms (in "Waiting" state), then each normal room will have 10% chance and each power user room will have 20% chance of getting players who clicked the Quick Play button.

Before the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

After the change:
Room: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power User: No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Quick Join Chance: 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% 20% 10% = Total 100%

This means low room numbers doesn't matter anymore. If you create a new room you have the same chance of getting players to join your room like room 1.
This also means that if you use Quick Play to join a room you not always get to a pros room and get your a$$ kicked for a sure lose. You have the same chance of getting to any other room.
If you want more players to join your room - get power user.
Of course you can still use the room list to select which room you want to join, and the list is still showing the low numbered power users rooms first like before.

We are testing this change to see how it works.
Let us know what you think about it (by replying to this post on this forum).

2. GM Gift notification in-game. GMs can now send gifts in-game. The server will show a message to everyone in the room that a gift was sent, from who to who. Players who receive a gift in game will see a notification and the gift will immediately appear in his inventory (no need to F5 anymore) Very Good! Big Grin

RE: 2014-01-11 Update DragonBound v5.8 - DarwincitoXD - 01-20-2014 02:27 PM

zamy cuand la lista de ganadores del evento video de navidad :-s